Welcome To Our Spiritual Growth Library

Perfect Peace Forever With God

Next Steps For The Believer
This document outlines important Steps in Christian Growth to aid new converts and believers who desire to refresh their hearts in becoming established and built up in the Bible Way! It can be downloaded and/or reproduced at no cost for use in strengthening and establishing Christians!

The Christian's Guide
The Christian's Guide is based on the assumption that each Christian desires to live a joyous, devoted and useful life to the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, his Saviour and Lord.
The brief suggestions that follow are designed to aid in the fulfillment of this God given desire. To this end it is urged that the Scripture references should be looked up, marked and, if possible, memorized.

Defending The King James Bible

The Superiority of The King James Bible

Biblical Music in a Contemporary World

Christian Living a Beginner's Guide

Music for Seeker-Sensitive Service,...A Critical Evaluation

"Oh God, Why?"

The Two Gipsy Smiths

The Worship Service: Active or Passive?

Church Discipline: Does It Matter?

Psalm 34, a Song of Praise

Psalm 1 - A Song of Contrast